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Series: Christmas IsTruth To Hear

Adjust What’s Fuzzy

By December 27, 2016 No Comments

Whether you’re taking a picture, peeking through binoculars or driving in busy traffic with screaming kids in the car, focus is needed. You cannot capture a great moment without adjusting your lens. You cannot go on an adventure and see your path clearly without realigning what’s fuzzy. You cannot parent (or live any other role/responsibility) without an intentional center helping to guide your life forward.

If focus is the quality of having or producing a clear visual definition for one’s life, why would we not want the same thing for our faith?

Christmas is a time of focus because Christmas draws us back to what truly matters.

This focus is not so we have a touchy-feel-good holiday that gets packed away with the Christmas tree. The birth of this tiny little baby is what births in each of us hope, joy, love and peace to last throughout the year. As we care for and nurture these “babies”, we watch each of them grow in our lives.

Hope increases.
Love expands.
Joy deepens.
Peace abounds.

And as these children grow in us, we walk out hope, joy, love and peace into our pockets of the world. We live with focus. As a result, we draw others into that same focus simply by our willingness to adjust our lens… simply by our readiness to realign what’s fuzzy… simply by our obedience to live with an intentional center helping to guide our lives forward.

Now’s the time to focus on what will be your focus for the New Year.

How will your hope increase?
How will you love expand?
How will your joy deepen?
How will peace abound?

”Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

Christmas idea: Think about the above four questions and pray that God would deposit a seed of focus in your heart that you can invest into for 2017.

Christmas prayer: Lord, Your word encourages me to set my mind on things above. I pray 2017 would be a year of exactly that. Focus my heart to the ways in which You desire to move in my life. Focus my mind on thoughts to see what You can teach me through my circumstances. Focus my eyes to see how You desire to use my life to bring You glory. And focus my actions. May every step I take be God honoring and purposeful. May 2017 be a year of deep intent and focus as I seek to walk in Your ways and bring You honor. Amen.

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Carving Out Time For God In The Midst Of Your Busy Life

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