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Truth To Hear

Stay The Course

By September 30, 2016 No Comments

Every so often there is an article, a scripture, a podcast, or a word of encouragement from a friend that hits me at exactly the perfect time. Like this blog post written by my friend, Joshua Becker. This article hit me the day after I had had a deep conversation with a group of friends about what it means to do big things for God.

We all agreed that the everyday, seemingly unpopular moments of life are where true bigness shines, yet they are rarely given spotlight.

It takes great courage to show up everyday and follow through on what isn’t acknowledged or applauded.

It takes great bravery to be who God created you to be even when it isn’t trending in pop culture or hash tagged on social media.

It takes deep commitment and steadfastness to live a faith and a lifestyle that is anything but cool or accepted.

This, very much so, is what it means to live big and Joshua highlights beautifully how doing “big things for God,” looks an awful lot like simply staying the course.

I pray as you read his words, that God would fill your heart with an overwhelming sense of pride that He is proud of you, and that you are doing a noble thing.

If you are working hard to support your family…

If you are being a good neighbor…

If you are there for your friend when they need help…

If you are raising your children in an intentional manner…

If you are taking steps to steward well the planet we live upon

If you are contributing to your community in positive ways…

If you are offering kind words…

If you are using talents and skills to serve others…

If you are an example of discipline and perseverance to others…

If you are taking steps to become more than you were yesterday…

If you are doing the laundry, washing the dishes, cleaning the floors, scrubbing the toilet, or picking up a mess that isn’t yours…

If you are displaying compassion and patience…

If you practicing honesty when dishonesty might be easier…

You are doing a noble thing with your life. 

Stay the course.

“You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.” Psalm 119:1 (MSG)

 Original blog post here: You Are Doing A Noble Thing by Becoming Minimalist.

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With a million things to do and not enough hours in the day to get it done, it's easy to zone out and slip into autopilot in order to survive. But perhaps life is not about adding more things to your already lengthy list, but rather, about pausing in the midst of it all to consider if what you're doing is really important.