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Prayers To Pray

For This And This

By August 29, 2016 No Comments

O Thou whose tender mercies are over all Thy works, humbly and sorrowfully I crave Thy forgiveness for thy sins:

For every weakening and defiling thought to which my mind has given harbor:
For every word spoken in hastiness or passion:
For every failure of self-control:
For every stumbling block which by deed or example I have set in another’s way:
For every opportunity lost:
For every blessing thanklessly received:
For loitering feet and a procrastinating will:

For this…
And this…
And this…

And grant that, as the days go by, Thy Spirit may more and more rule in my heart, giving me victory over these and all other sinful ways.


“A Diary of Private Prayer” by John Baillie

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