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PodcastTruth To Hear

He Is Enough

By April 7, 2017 No Comments
00:10:24 minute listen
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In a culture caught up with needing more and more, we tend to be oblivious in understanding when enough is enough. We hoard out of our need for security and control, but the manna the Israelites tried to stockpile went mouldy if they gathered too much because God was trying to teach them to believe He would provide for their daily needs.

On the podcast today I talk about manna and how it symbolizes God meeting our every need and how He’s always faithful to show up and provide.

Manna met the Israelites every single day because God is faithful.

How similar we are to the Israelites in doubting that God will show up, or that God will provide, or that we will have enough. But we learn from the Israelites that waking up everyday with a sense of trust, faith and anticipation is secure, right and true because He is secure, right and true.

God was with the Israelites for 40 years as they lived in the desert, but more importantly, He led them to the Promised Land while providing for everything they would ever need – because that’s Who He is, and that’s what He does.

The story of the manna and quail is a reminder to each of us that He is enough.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.” –Exodus 16:4a

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