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While I am away on holidays, I have asked a few friends of mine to guest write. Today’s post is from Camille King – a friend who speaks truth with every word she says. She is a true person of encouragement and wisdom. Camille’s message about the power of words is a crucial step in building strong community.

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.

~Proverbs 18:21 (The Message)

Has anyone ever gossiped about you?
Said mean or malicious things to you?
Have you ever felt poisoned by words?
Has anyone ever lied about you? Lied to you? Labeled you? Judged you?

If you are in relationship with people – of any sorts – chances are, you’ve experienced all of the above. We’re human, and humans say and do hurtful things.

The question is: do you believe them?

Perhaps delving into that place brings tears to your eyes.
Perhaps you can feel your heart cracking open all over again.
Perhaps you have built up a protective wall – refusing to go there for fear of feeling that pain resurface.

Truth is, we need to go there. Going there means you can expose the lies and rebuild the damage with truth.

  • Have you ever been called impatient?
    Replace that word with activator – someone who gets stuff done.
  • Have you ever been called a dreamer?
    Replace that word with futuristic – someone who brings people hope.
  • Have you ever been called too sensitive?
    Replace that word with empathetic – someone who feels what others feel.
  • Have you ever been called too negative?
    Replace that word with deliberative – someone who can spot a potential land mine in any situation.

Words kill. Words give life. They’re either poison or fruit. You choose.

  • First, remember that God created you in HIS image, therefore, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • Second, remember words spoken over you are mere opinions that people have placed on you out of their brokenness. Other people’s views of you will always pale in comparison to how God views you.
  • Third, remember to speak truth over other people. Proverbs 18:21 says it best, “we get to be purveyors of poison or fruit.”

So here is the challenge…

Speak truth over yourself.
Speak truth over others.
Build community through words that give life, rather than with words that destroy.

Words kill.
Words give life.
They’re either poison or fruit.

You get to choose.

 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

~Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Camille is a wife and mother of 4. She is a home schooler and business owner – chasing after Christ one crazy/messy/lovely step at a time. She loves Cindy Keating (ha, I didn’t even tell her to write this part, lol) and burgers of all kinds. 

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