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Step Towards Gratitude

By March 2, 2017 No Comments

I recently stumbled upon an article that speaks about the affects of complaining on one’s brain.

“How Complaining Physically Rewires Your Brain To Be Anxious And Depressed”

In an attempt to teach my boys about gratitude verses complaining, I decided to print off the article and have a conversation with them about it.


In the middle of this process, while taking action to implement this idea, the Holy Spirit intervened and I got the message loud and clear.

The process went a little something like this…

  • Step one. Friend shares article with me.
  • Step two. I read said article.
  • Step three. Ungratefulness that is happening with my boys comes to my mind and I get the idea to share this article with them in hopes that it will create a good discussion about gratitude.
  • Step four. I decide to print off said article.
  • Step five. I get up from my chair to head to the printer.
  • Step six. I receive a text from a friend.
  • Step seven. Text inspires a passage of scripture to float through my mind.
  • Step eight. I open my Bible to find said passage.
  • Step nine. I read Colossians 3:17.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

  • Step ten. Holy Spirit convicts me about my own lack of gratitude and gently speaks the following truth to my heart.

“If you have something you want to teach others, make sure you yourself are living it. Let the gratitude of your actions speak louder than the warning of your words.”

My plans then changed.

  • Step eleven. I decide to have a conversation with my boys about all the things I’m grateful for rather than what they’re complaining about. Because isn’t pointing out what’s right a far better teacher than pointing out what’s wrong?

See what the Holy Spirit did?

He directed my steps exactly towards something He was speaking to me about. The article had nothing to do with my boys and everything to do with my own ungrateful spirit. Often this is the case. We think we’re to teach other people when really the Holy Spirit wants us to be the student.

So allow Him today to direct your steps towards gratitude. And watch in amazement as He opens your eyes to see all that is good and right and beautiful rather than all that is wrong.

“We get good at what we practice, so why don’t we try being a little more positive?”  

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