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Truth To Hear

The Other Side Of Your Comfort Zone

By April 20, 2017 No Comments

When He asks you to step out of your comfort zone, you’re in good company.


From the beginning of time until now He has been asking His children to step out in faith.

To follow Him into the unknown.
To press forward through tribulation.
To stop holding on to what is comfortable.
To be faithful despite where He is leading.

But it’s hard.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is exactly that, it’s stepping out of comfort – out of everything you know and understand, out of a life that seems ideal and easily explainable – and into faith, patience, trust, hope, and uncertainty.

But here’s what happens on the other side of your comfort zone.


God helps you do things you could have never imagined doing on your own.


He allows you to meet and love people you could have never dreamed of meeting and loving.


He brings you into a life of selflessness and service and you realize there is no greater purpose to life.


You discover a dependency on His Word in such a way that it transforms not only your thinking, but also your entire way of living, every minute of every day.


Your entire motivation for living changes as you find a freer way to engage with the world. It’s not a life motivated by striving and gaining and doing and having and getting and taking, but one motivated by seeing the world through the Father’s eyes.


You don’t care to impress everybody else; you only care to be obedient and faithful to Him.


You can trust Who He is and your soul can find a peaceful place to rest.

So let me ask you this:

Has God asked you to step out of your comfort zone recently?

To share your faith with someone you don’t know?
To love someone that is hard to like?
To use your talents in a way you never have in the past?
To follow Him to an unknown place?
To wait on His timing even when everything in you wants to take back control?
To do something you have never done before?

If so, allow me to remind you, you’re in good company.


He provided for them.
He made a way for them.
He used them in ways they never could have dreamed.

And He will do the same for you.

But you have to be willing to step outside of comfort to see what’s on the other side of your comfort zone.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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