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Incredible Things Happen When We Choose To Endure

By May 25, 2017 No Comments

A year and a half ago my mother-in-law sent me an email that was honestly like receiving oxygen through the computer. It was an email she had received, which she then felt led to forward on to me.

It was an email all about The Chinese Bamboo plant. Ever heard of it?

Its growth goes a little something like this:

  • Year one: plant the seed, water it, fertilize it, expect to see nothing.
  • Year two: continue watering, continue fertilizing, still see nothing.
  • Year three: water, fertilize, nothing.
  • Year four: wa, fert, no.
  • Year five: a tiny sprout emerges. Yay! Celebrate! Dance! Sing! Have a party! ….. and then… get back to watering, fertilizing, and waiting.

But then.

And extraordinarily…

Something incredibly happens.

Within the next six months, that tiny little sprout grows to over SEVENTY-FIVE FEET TALL.

Because here’s the truth of the story:

The Chinese Bamboo plant spends five years growing the roots it’ll need to support its growth.

Just like you.
Just like me.
Just like anyone in a season of watering, fertilizing, wondering and waiting.

Keep going.

Incredible happens when we choose to endure.

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4

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