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Truth To Hear

Hands Free

By July 28, 2016 No Comments

Experiment 101: turn off your phone for one whole weekend.


Just to see.
Just to poke curiosity.
Just to test a theory.

I tried it a couple of months ago and here’s what happened:

I survived.
My life didn’t crumble.
My world didn’t end.
I felt free.
I was more present with what was going on around me.
And I managed my sanity juuuuuuust fine.

So, try it.
Do it.
Give it a shot.
Be hands free.

And for every time you habitually reach for your phone or think about it, recite this scripture instead:

“I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” -Psalm 77:12

Free 7-Day ebook

Making Space

Carving Out Time For God In The Midst Of Your Busy Life

With a million things to do and not enough hours in the day to get it done, it's easy to zone out and slip into autopilot in order to survive. But perhaps life is not about adding more things to your already lengthy list, but rather, about pausing in the midst of it all to consider if what you're doing is really important.