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Truth To Hear

Because We Trust Him

By March 17, 2016 No Comments

My little guy is a thinker. He processes life through questions.


The other day he was asking about birds and where they’re always flying.
The day before that he was asking about seasons and why they have to change.
The day before that he was asking about school and who the “biggest boss” of school is.

They were all valid questions, and I tried to clarify as best I could, but in the end I finally had to say, “You know what little buddy? Sometimes the bigger picture is too much for you to understand and you just have to trust me that it’s all going to work out even if I can’t give you an answer that makes sense to you right now.”

He seemed perfectly fine with my response and went outside to karate chop his brother.

Instantly this sentence floated through my mind: “Did you notice how he handled that?” Instantly I felt convicted.

You see, I myself am a thinker. I also process life through questions.

I often ask God non.stop.questions.

Sometimes He gives me a response that says, “You know what little buddy? Sometimes the bigger picture is too much for you to understand and you just have to trust me that it’s all going to work out even if I can’t give you an answer that makes sense to you right now.”

The difference?

I’m never fine His response.
I have an incredibly difficult time letting the unanswered questions go.
I often protest. And pout.

But watching my son’s response taught me how beautiful it feels to have someone trust in you.

There was no hesitation to his step.
There was no frustration in his acceptance.
There was no obscure expression on his face.

He asked.
I answered.
He accepted.

Because he trusts me.

I cannot articulate what this did to my heart in that moment. I was bubbling over with joy.

And for the first time EVER it dawned on me how much I rob God of so much joy when I choose to worry instead of trust; when I choose to speak instead of listen; when I choose to react instead of receive.

He longs for each of us to run away from hesitation and run towards His rest… to run away from frustration and run towards His comfort.

We ask.
He answers.
We accept.

Because we trust Him.

It’s as simple as that.

Then this beautiful relationship unfolds as we run outside in freedom and He bubbles over with joy.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
-Proverbs 3:5&6

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