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Truth To Hear


By August 4, 2016 No Comments

A few weeks ago Chris and I had an amazing opportunity to attend an Ambassadors dinner. I had never been to one before, neither had Chris, so we had no idea what to expect. We were assured that if all else failed and the event was horribly boring for us, we would at least eat delicious food. And we did. One word: cheesecake!

And the event was far from boring.

Three official diplomats spoke in representation of their countries – a lady from Romania, a man from South Africa, and another man from Slovakia. Each one of them was properly poised, highly intelligent, and well spoken, and they all presented a well laid out plan of what each of their countries has to offer. They outlined economic infrastructure, plans for the future, and the hopeful potential for other countries to invest in such promise.

I was inspired.

I glanced around the room at the end of each speech to see dozens of hands applaud such vision. We were all inspired.

And that’s when it hit me. Are we not all ambassadors? Each one of us is representing something.

The way we talk.
What we talk about.
How we carry ourselves.
How we handle life.
What guides us.
Where we place our hope.
What promise we believe in.

We are all ambassadors for some kind of “country”. Have you ever stopped to ask what vision it is you’re championing? What hope do you speak of? What promise do you believe in and advocate for?

As I sipped my coffee and delighted in my cheesecake, I silently prayed that my own life would inspire. Not for my own sake, but because I want my life to represent Christ – to represent Him in such a way that when people ask me what I’m about, I too can answer in a properly poised, highly intelligent and well spoken way.

I pray this for all of us.

May our lives represent a well laid out plan for the Gospel.
May our words speak of a future filled with beautiful hope.
May our actions reflect a promise worth investing in.

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” -2 Corinthians 5:20 

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