She hooked my arm and pulled me off to the side. “How are you?” For a brief moment I contemplated generically saying, “Good, how are you?” simply so I could…
It's called a fork because we're given three choices in life. Go straight. Turn right. Turn left. The straight path stretches safely and evenly into the future. The scenery is…
I saw a gratitude challenge floating around Facebook recently that caught my eye: "List three things you're grateful for." The goal was for people to post three things per day…
I called my friend because I knew. I had spent two full days stewing over thought-chaos that had exploded in my brain. I was stumped, confused, tired, frustrated and I…
You know when you're walking down a road, you think you know where you're going, and suddenly you realize you don't? There are forks in the road, you don't know…
Yesterday my son wore Superman’s cape with Spiderman’s body suit with Iron man’s mask. He called himself “All Man!” and it looked ridiculous. This epiphany hit me like a ton…
“I hate Father’s Day,” the bootless guy said. “Dude, that’s weird. Why?” "People go all out for one day then forget about the meaning of the celebration every other 364…
There was a time when I didn’t feel community was important. The thought of admitting weakness struck a fear of being judged. But, experience has taught me that these kinds…