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Series: Christmas IsTruth To Hear

The Rest Will Fall Into Place

By December 20, 2016 No Comments

If I asked my boys to eat candy with me, there wouldn’t be a single hesitation.

If I asked my boys to watch a movie, play a game, make a craft, color, wrestle, dance, play outside or go for a bike ride, they’d drop everything to willingly oblige.


If I asked my boys to clean their rooms, set the table or take out the trash, well, now I’ve asked too much.

Willingness? Not so much.
Readiness? Not at all.
Eager appreciation? Not on your life!

But as a parent it’s my responsibility to teach them, train them and lead them towards obedience, because obedience is key!

This is what I think of when I ponder gratitude.

When scripture calls me to praise, I’ll be honest, there isn’t a single hesitation to my response when life is good.


When scripture calls me to give thanks in all circumstances even when it’s tough, rough and tumble; well, now scripture is asking too much.

And yet, this is gratitude.

It’s the quality of being thankful.
A readiness to show appreciation.
A willingness.
An eagerness.
A keenness.
A promptness.

We are called to the gift of gratitude despite emotion and circumstance because scripture teaches, trains and leads us towards obedience. Because obedience is key.

So whether this is going to be the best Christmas to date or the worst Christmas ever… make your Christmas about gratitude and the rest will fall into place.

”Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7

Christmas idea: send an email of appreciation to your local MLA or Mayor. I’m sure they hear dozens of complaints, but how often do you think they hear words of encouragement and appreciation?

Christmas prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you. I don’t say that enough. I often tell You what I need, but I easily forget to thank You for what I no longer need… for the answered prayers… for the already happened miracles… and for the many gracious blessings. So right now, in this moment, I simply want to take a few minutes to whisper words of gratitude for loving me unconditionally and for giving me hope. May You be blessed this Christmas because I choose to serve You with a heart of gratitude. Amen.

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