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Truth To Hear

What Stirs Your Faith?

By February 7, 2017 No Comments

My friend Eldon asked a question at our book club last week because it was something he had been thinking about for quite some time and was curious to know our responses.

“What stirs your faith?”

“For me, he said, “it’s when the dots connect for people and you see them finally understand something they’ve been wrestling with for quite some time. Cindy? What about you?”

“When the Holy Spirit prompts my spirit and I know He’s asking me to do something. I respond even if I’m slightly terrified, but as a result and beyond my wildest imagination, He uses me to do something remarkable in someone’s life. To be part of something He’s doing in someone else’s life stirs me more than anything else.”

One by one, each person answered with amazing answers.

… the rich wisdom of theology.
… reading about the life of Jesus.
… our book club conversations.
… a vibrant prayer life.
… hanging out with non-Christians.

Stir: to flutter, shake, rustle, whisk and shift something in such a way that it moves to and fro with change.

So now I pose Eldon’s question back to you: “What stirs your faith?”

Find ways today to do exactly that.

”That even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.” Ephesians 2:5

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