He wants to read so badly.
Call it independence or call it competition with his friends, either way, my eldest son is on a mission to advance from level 9 reading to level 15.
Every night we work through the required reading material his teacher sends home and every night he says the same thing, “I can’t read very well.” When I tell him he is reading and that he is reading well, he disagrees because in his mind he’s not reading unless he’s reading at a level 15.
See what’s happening?
The issue has nothing to do with reading and everything to do with comparison.
Ironically, as I consoled him and tried to fill his love tank with tons of affirmation and encouragement, I felt the Lord prompt my own spirit with the exact same message.
Cindy, you are living and you are living life well.
See what we do?
We assume everyone else is living life at a level 15 and we’re stuck on 9.
We get down on ourselves, self sabotage, self loathe, self diss and buy into all kinds of lies that tell us we aren’t good enough, that we’re missing out, and that catching up to everyone else is the point of living, when it’s not.
All God desires is for us to recognize what word we’re on… what He’s teaching us through our page… what plot line is happening in our lives… and what kind of characters He has us involved with.
Our life has nothing to do with what book He has someone else reading and everything to do with what story is unfolding in our current level.
So are you?
Are you reading your life right?
Are you beautifully lost in the level He has you in, or are you caught up wishing to be doing something different?
Rather than focusing on how far you have to go, how ‘bout noticing how far you’ve come.
Remember, once upon a time you were on level 1.
“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14