Ever feel like you get it wrong? Seriously, Story.Of.My.Life!
In conversation with my son the other day, we both found ourselves discussing how we seem to make the same mistakes over and over again no matter how hard we try not to.
“Mom, I really do try to not hit my brother, but I can’t help it. He makes me so mad that I can’t control my emotions.”
I couldn’t lie. “Bugz, I know exactly how you feel.”
Because isn’t that human nature?
We falter.
We fail.
We fall flat on our faces time and time again.
Which is exactly why I appreciate the Israelites.
They made so many stupid mistakes that it actually makes me feel better about myself when I read about their slip-ups.
And then when I read about how God forgave them again and again and again and again and, sweet heavens, again?… it fills me with hope.
Because isn’t that God’s nature?
The people of Israel totally and completely failed to act like God’s people. But He felt no pleasure in punishing them. He was (still is) a loving parent.
God remains faithful to those He loves, even when they aren’t faithful to Him.
So smile, take heart, have hope and remain positive:
His love and mercy is what redeems you.
His compassion is what lifts you up when you feel like you can’t go on.
His unwavering strength is what carries you when you are weary.
Trust that.
Cling to that.
Hold steadfast to that.
And here’s the coolest part:
It has nothing to do with the quality of your performance, or how good you are, or how perfectly you follow the rules. It simply is because of His love and mercy, and for no other reason.
“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” –Lamentations 3:22-23 (NLT)