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By November 4, 2016 No Comments

Last week I learned a new worship song called, “Miracles” by Jesus Culture.

I had never heard the song before, so in at attempt to be uber prepared for worship practice, I listened to the song all day, everyday, throughout my week.

It became an anthem. It became my anthem. And today I share its beauty with all of you.

As I listened to the words, I felt so compelled to know the story behind the lyrics. As a fellow songwriter, I just felt in my heart there had to be a powerful story behind such a powerful song. And whoa, what a powerful story indeed.

In December 2014 Chris Quilala and his wife, Alyssa – prominent members of the widely popular youth movement called Jesus Culture – lost their brand new baby boy, Jethro Dylan Guilala, at birth. As members of an international revival movement, they know Scripture is full of stories telling of the many miracles that God has done. And so, they deeply prayed and believed for God to perform a miracle. But an earthly miracle they did not receive.

“As we held him in our arms and prayed, we had a choice: to believe God is good all the time and no matter the outcome He is and will always be the God of miracles.”

Often times we allow our circumstances to change our perceptions of God. But the truth is, He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

The journey of faith is one of mystery and trust, of surrender and obedience.

You won’t always have all the answers, and not everything will make sense… but it doesn’t change who God is.

“I wrote Miracles because, more than ever, I needed to remind myself of who God is. Miracles is about choosing to believe the truth, that God is who He says He is.”

Through the storm He remains the same.
He is good all the time.
He is our comforter.
No matter your circumstance God does not change.
Don’t lose hope.
Continue to believe.
Have faith to see the impossible.
God is a God of miracles.

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:11-12

“Miracles” by Chris Quilala

The One who made the blind to see is moving here in front of me,
moving here in front of me.

The One who made the deaf to hear is silencing my every fear,
silencing my every fear.

I believe in You, I believe in You, You’re the God of miracles.

The One who does impossible is reaching out to make me whole,
reaching out to make me whole.

The One who put death in its place, His life is flowing through my veins,
His life is flowing through my veins.

The God who was and is to come, the power of the Risen One.
The God who brings the dead to life, You’re the God of miracles, you’re the God of miracles.

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Carving Out Time For God In The Midst Of Your Busy Life

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