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Truth To Hear

Holy Spirit Things

By April 29, 2016 No Comments

In keeping with yesterday’s devotional theme – the Holy Spirit – I thought it appropriate to offer you a list that a friend of mine and myself recently came up with. She and I were discussing what happens when our lives really are set to the rhythm of the Holy Spirit – when we are truly walking “in step” with His leading. The conversation fired me up in such a way that I found myself sending multiple text messages to myself (ever done that before? – lol) just to remember all the cool things we were coming up with.

On that note, here are 15 Holy Spirit things that happen when you live in step with His leading. I pray as you read it today you too are fired up to see, to know, to remember, to embrace, to humbly accept everything He does for each of us when we choose to live our lives by His leading rather than our own.

  • The Spirit fills you with courage causing you to speak truth
  • The Spirit compels you to speak the Word of God boldly
  • The Spirit brings wisdom and the ability to make wise Godly decisions to your day-to-day life
  • The Spirit stirs your heart and causes your faith to increase
  • The Spirit opens your eyes to the real world and you begin to see the world the way Jesus sees it.
  • The Spirit challenges you to live with purpose and to fulfill your God-given calling
  • The Spirit strengthens and encourages you in your day-to-day and in turn uses you to strengthen and encourage your fellow brothers and sisters
  • The Spirit uses you to build unity amongst the believers
  • The Spirit flows through your life in such a way that it creates atmosphere for His presence to move upon the people you rub shoulders with on a daily basis
  • The Spirit guides the course of your life and lights your path
  • The Spirit gives you discernment when to do something and when NOT to do something
  • The Spirit empowers you with the anointing of Christ and He uses you to build and further the Kingdom
  • The Spirit draws your attention to the sin in your life and gently nudges for you to deal with it
  • The Spirit reminds you of your need for more fellowship with Christ as He draws you deeper and deeper into intimate relationship with Him
  • The Spirit makes you aware of how significant your life really is and how much you matter to Him and to the Kingdom purpose.

”So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. But when you are directed by the Spirit, you are not under obligation to the law of Moses.” -Galatians 5:16-18

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