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Truth To Hear

Here’s My Heart

By April 13, 2016 No Comments

Every so often I stumble upon a song that speaks right to my heart – I’m talkin’ RIGHT to my heart. And since lately I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in broken repentance, this song couldn’t have come at a better time for me. It’s as if David Crowder put my feelings to words and my words to melody.

I share it with you this morning because there is nothing more beautiful to God than a heart that genuinely cares about Him. There are a lot of churchy rules one can follow to play the good Christian-y role, and a lot of strategic body movements one could perform to look the good Christian-y part, but the heart? Nope. You can’t fake that. God sees right through façades and sees our hearts.

1 Samuel 16:7 says:

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

So as you go about your morning, your entire day, and the rest of your week, may you make the conscious effort to surrender your heart and draw near to Him.

I pray the words of this song speak right to your heart:

Neon Steeple

I am found, I am Yours, I am loved, I’m made pure.
I have life, I can breathe, I am healed, I am free.
Here’s my heart, Lord, speak what is true.

You are strong, You are sure, You are life, You endure.
You are good, always true, You are light, breaking through.
Here’s my heart, Lord, speak what is true.

You are more than enough, You are here, You are love.
You are hope, You are grace, You’re all I have, You’re everything.
Here’s my heart Lord, speak what is true.

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Carving Out Time For God In The Midst Of Your Busy Life

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