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Prayers To Pray

He Hears My Voice

By March 22, 2016 No Comments

Prayer Day 2

”Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” –Psalm 55:17

Dear God, this is the year I will embrace Your creation with consideration. First, I will notice it. I will admire all the beautiful snow-covered tress I drive by everyday. Second, I will respect it. Open my eyes to the world I take for granted so I may be the type of citizen you desire for me to be, and so I may leave a better world for my children’s children. Amen.

Free 7-Day ebook

Making Space

Carving Out Time For God In The Midst Of Your Busy Life

With a million things to do and not enough hours in the day to get it done, it's easy to zone out and slip into autopilot in order to survive. But perhaps life is not about adding more things to your already lengthy list, but rather, about pausing in the midst of it all to consider if what you're doing is really important.