Last week I wrote a post about grace. If you’d like a recap, you can find it here: “Grace. For You. For Me. Today.”
When I posted the article to my FB page, a really good friend of mine commented on it. But before I tell you what he wrote, you need to know a little more about him – because truly, he’s one in a million.
He works full time.
Has three beautiful children.
Has the loveliest wife.
Attends church regularly.
Believes in living out his faith within his community.
And he organizes – voluntarily – a skateboard ministry for troubled teens.
He’s honestly one of my favorite people.
Everyday he is down in the trenches with some of the most hard-hearted teens that most people don’t want to take the time to figure out, never mind walk alongside and mentor. Every time Chris and I hang out with him and his lovely wife, I am always blown away by their level of commitment to these kids and their selfless love and care. They would give all credit to Christ, of course, but still, their willingness to be used is inspiring.
All that to say, when he writes a comment about needing grace for others on my Facebook page, well, I listen up. He knows a thing or two about extending grace because he lives it everyday.
“In the world we are living in right now, which seems to be ripping apart, what’s needed is a whole lot more grace – for everyone: our families, our friends, our sports arch enemies, those who have other religious beliefs than ours, political foes, and even our enemies. Grace….”
–Terence Kowalchuk
Imagine how different social media would be if we each responded to articles, comments, and other people’s emotionally charged posts with grace?
Imagine how the grocery clerk would feel if we reacted to her grumpy day with grace?
Imagine what would happen to the principle’s demeanor if we “stormed” into her office to give her a couple of choice words of grace?
So here’s a question:
Is grace your first response when someone offends you?
Is grace your automatic reaction when your back goes up?
Is grace your default reply when choice words are exchanged?
Perhaps what this world really needs is a piece of your heart rather than a piece of your mind.
“I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You’ll never—I promise—regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we’re at our worst. Our Father is kind; you be kind.” Luke 6:36 (MSG)