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Prayers To Pray

Courage Be Firm

By September 25, 2017 No Comments

Give me, O God, this day a strong and vivid sense that Thou art by my side. In multitude and solitude, in business and leisure, in my downsitting and in my uprising, may I ever be aware of Thine accompanying presence. By Thy grace, O God, I will go nowhere this day where Thou canst not come, nor court any companionship that would rob me of Thine. By Thy grace I will let no thought enter my heart that might hinder my communion with Thee nor let any word come from my mouth that is not meant for Thine ear. So shall my courage be firm and my heart be at peace.

A steadier step
When I recall
That thou I slip
Thou dost not fall.

“A Diary of Private Prayer” by John Baillie

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