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Prayers To Pray

For Faith To Believe

By April 19, 2016 No Comments

Almighty and most merciful Father, whose power and whose love eternally work together for the protection of Thy children, give me grace this day to put my trust in Thee.

O Father, I pray,

…for faith to believe that Thou dost rule the world in truth and righteousness:

…for faith to believe that if I seek first Thy Kingdom and righteousness, Thou wilt provide for all my lesser needs:

…for faith to take no anxious thought for the morrow, but to believe in the continuance of Thy past mercies:

…for faith to see Thy purpose of love unfolding itself in the happenings of this time:

…for faith to be calm and brave in face of such dangers as may meet me in the doing of my duty:

…for faith to believe in the power of Thy love to melt my hard heart and swallow up my sin:

…for faith to put my own trust in love rather than in force, when other men harden their hearts against me:

…for faith to believe in the ultimate victory of Thy Holy Spirit over disease and death and all the powers of darkness:

…for faith to profit by such sufferings as Thou dost call upon me to endure:

…for faith to leave in Thy hands the welfare of all my dear ones…

O Thou in whom all my fathers trusted and were not put to confusion, rid my heart now of all vain anxieties and paralyzing fears. Give me a cheerful and buoyant spirit, and peace in doing Thy will; for Christ’s sake.


“A Diary of Private Prayer” by John Baillie

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