I follow a thought leader named Seth Godin. He’s a smart guy. He never writes specifically about faith, and yet, his writing challenges my faith sometimes more than the faith blogs I read.
Take these few sentences for example:
“The crowd gets on its feet when your band plays the big hit, and sits down for the new songs.”
“The crowd will always pick the movie over the book.”
“The crowd’s favorite words include fast, easy, cheap, fun, now and simple.”
So it begs the question, what kind of faith do you want to have?
Are you willing to stand on your feet when everyone else is sitting down?
Are you willing to do what’s longer and harder when everyone else is choosing easy?
Are you willing to go where no one else will go so God can do through you what others are unwilling and unavailable to hear?
In my opinion, the crowd is crowded.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8