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Truth To Hear

Your Roots Will Determine Your Fruit

By November 1, 2016 No Comments

“We can become quite adept at projecting an image that does not accurately reflect what’s going on inside of us. True spiritual dignity is inside out – it comes from a healthy soul and is a life marked by spiritual power and the presence of Christ.” – Lance Witt –

We all have a front-stage life and a back-stage life. Front stage is where we’re noticed, where the spotlight in on us, where people applaud and affirm us. On the front stage everything is orderly and neatly in its place. It’s where we live, perform, inspire, lead, and it’s a stage all about doing.

But we also have a back-stage, and the two are connected.

If we neglect the back stage, eventually the front stage will fall apart. While the front stage is a public place, the back stage is a private one – where it’s all about being.

The key to living a Christian life well is found back stage, and the only way to be healthy is to pay attention to it.

Your roots (back stage) will determine your fruit (front stage).


Is who you are online the same as who you are in real life?

Do you walk your talk or just talk a good walk?

Do your co-workers see the same version of you as your family does?

If you stood on a stage and spoke to a room full of people, could your close friends and family say you’re the same person on stage as you are off?

More so, are you the same Christian on Monday as you are on Sunday?

If it’s the roots that determine the fruit, ask yourself, how are my roots lookin’?

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

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