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What’s The Brightest Light In Your Life?

By February 23, 2017 No Comments

A few nights ago the bulb from my son’s nightlight burnt out…. and let me tell you, this caused quite a commotion.

There were tears.
There was panic.
There was voice elevation.

I thought my mom superpowers had come to the rescue when I found another light source, but nope, not so much.


“It’s not bright enough.”
“It doesn’t have the right kind of twinkle.”
“I need more shining-ness.” (gotta love 5-year-old vocabulary)

No matter what solution I came up with, it wasn’t good enough. He was adamant about needing his original lamp because that was the light that would help him sleep.

As I sat on the floor waiting for the temper tantrum to subside, I heard this calming voice speak to my heart.

Don’t be discouraged by his fight. Be inspired that he has found something worth fighting for and that he is committed to it. The world needs more people willing to fight for the right kind of light.

Which got me thinking…

What happens to each of us when our light burns out? When faith gets hard, when our zest for life decreases, when the road gets bumpy and the tough circumstances keep rolling in, what source do we use as our light?

The world easily comes along to offer us their superpowers in providing an alternative light source, but is it the right kind of light? Should we allow this compromise into our lives or are we willing to fight for what’s better and far more worth it?

Truth is, each one of us has a light we use to help us rest, relax, breathe, live, do, be, have and sleep.

Job security.
Social standing.

Every person on this planet craves meaning and purpose, and we indulge these various light sources as a way to fill the void, take the edge off, and feel like we have some sense of control.

We plug in our relationship lamps, only to discover they’re not bright enough. And there are tears.

We plug in our vocational lamps, only to discover they don’t have the right kind of twinkle. And there is panic.

We plug in our retirement lamps, only to discover they need (and will always need) more shining-ness. And there is voice elevation. And heart palpitations. And stress. And worry. And panic. And striving. And pressure. And. And. And.

But where is the fight for the right kind of light?

You’re probably thinking, whoa, simmer down. It was just a tantrum about a silly nightlight. But hold up. Think about it.

How many times has a comme ci, comme ca attitude led you to complacency? To apathy? To eventual stagnancy?

I’m glad my kid didn’t cave. He showed guts. Determination. Strength. He held his own. And he was absolutely unwilling to waiver.

Perhaps there’s wisdom to this behavior. Although, I don’t recommend you throw yourself around a bedroom while wearing tight Star Wars pajamas, but still, the message was clear.

 Are you willing to fight for the right kind of light – even if and when you look ridiculous?

After this nugget of truth lodged in my mind, I calmly stood up, asked my crying boy if he wanted me to drive to the store to buy another bulb. He calmly sat down on his bed. Wiped his tears. Nodded yes. Then said, “Thank you mommy.”

He knew what he wanted.
He knew what he needed.

Interestingly enough, at that very moment the lamp started working again.


Because isn’t that what pursuing Christ is all about?

It’s about doing everything necessary to fight for His light to shine in your life, and then guess what happens? He shows up to shine.

This is the lamp I want to fall asleep and wake up to, how ‘bout you?

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12

So here’s a question for you:

What’s the brightest light in your life?

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